If God is everything, isn’t everything we do all part of God?
It seems so often, especially when we look at all the “bad” in the world – the negativity, hate, anger, selfishness, judgment, cruelty, rape, murder – it seems that these are things not in alignment with God. It seems that these are out of accord with God’s true nature. To be in harmony with God, to do God’s will, would be doing “good” – giving, caring, compassion, humility, kindness, and most of all, unconditional love. It seems there is a distinct split between what seems good and bad – between God’s will, and mankind’s individual free will. All the negative things in life are the effects of our will straying from that of God’s.
But isn’t everything God’s will, if everything is God? We were given the gift of free will, and it is our choice in everything we do to live a “good” life, or a “bad” life, our choice to give compassion over hate, forgiveness over resentment, and love over fear. God gave us this ability to choose “negative” over “positive”, and to choose his will over our will.
So how can all our actions not be His will, if we are always part of this greater being of God? I believe it is God’s will for us to think we have our own will, so we are free to choose something else over His true nature. We are shown the shadows, to find the source of the light. We were given an ego, and we were blinded to the reality beyond our reality. We were given thought, and a veil was cast upon our consciousness, and we were driven out of the Garden of Eden, to see if we could find our way back – our way home to God’s Love.
There is a divine way of life; a grand plan to what life is all about. We will soon realize that thought and ego have been our enemy, and have only strengthened the darkness covering our true selves, our true divinity. When we finally quiet our minds, and expel our egos from our own Garden, only then will we see that all is in accord with God’s will. We will realize it was our own minds creating the illusion that we were somehow not part of God in this grand school of life. We will see the love and awesomeness behind it all, and we will fall to our knees in wonder and awe, in the realization of it all. Even the bad things that occur are all done out of God’s love for us, so we can learn and grow closer to God through this incredible experience we call our lives.