Kermit the Frog sang, “It’s not easy being Green.” I’m sure all of us have experienced times when “it’s not easy being human.” We complain about life being difficult, or unfair, and when things go wrong, it’s being human that is the scapegoat. “We’re only human,” we say, as if that means we’re bound to make mistakes, and being human somehow makes it OK. Maybe it’s being human that’s precisely the issue.
We all try so hard to be “human.” So often it’s an excuse to be alive in a human body, rather than a miracle. When we make mistakes… “we’re only human.” When we hurt another, or ourselves… “it’s human nature.” What does it really mean? We look at animals, at our pets, and say “he’s an animal, he doesn’t know any better.” Well if an animal doesn’t know any better, (although I’d very much disagree, but that’s another story) why aren’t we more loving to each other if we DO know better?
I don’t want being human to be an excuse for being stuck, for not moving forward, or for doing something wrong. I believe being human, is simply a shell for who we really are. The shell protects the nut from the world around it. The fruit conceals it’s real purpose, to spread the seed. The cocoon protects the butterfly while it’s transforming. The “human condition” simply protects, conceals, and helps transform what we really are. A divine soul. The pure seed of the Creator. Pure love.
If all we are is love, then why isn’t life easier? I believe it is indeed our humanity that contains, and too often protects and conceals that love at any cost. We allow what the world has taught us to hide our real love. We’re afraid of getting hurt if we really were to unleash that love to everyone, everyday. What would happen if we were always vulnerable and always completely honest about our feelings, motives, and intents? What would happen if we were forgiven for everything? Maybe it’s time to find out. Maybe if we all forgave each other, there would be nothing to be afraid of. There would no longer be rejection, no more guilt, and no more hate. Maybe it’s actually our humanity that also contains those traits, to protect our core, to protect love. Maybe it’s time for a new way of living.
The time of protecting is over. It is time to release our shell. It is time for the fruit to bear the seed. It is time for the cocoon to break away and release the miracle. It’s time for love to lead the way. If we make a mistake, it’s not just “ok” because we’re human, it’s OK because we’re love, and being loving toward ourselves and each other is our real nature. If we make a mistake, if we hurt someone, if we are too hard on ourselves… it’s OK. It’s OK because loving is about forgiving. It’s about knowing that all things are healed in time, and knowing that all things separated can be reunited. Being “only human” for me isn’t an excuse, although knowing that I am the pure love of God isn’t an excuse either. It’s a way of living, of being. It’s a way of peace and harmony with all living things. It’s our divine nature.
Next time something goes “wrong,” ask yourself is it OK because it’s our nature to do things wrong, or is it OK because it’s our nature to forgive? Remember, we’re not “only human,” we are the infinite creative power of love. So ask yourself, does that sound like an excuse, or a pathway to miracles?