Vulnerability is the key to Love
As I was processing all the feelings I have today, I was graced with the presence of this insight to share... The internal turmoil of emotions we experience as human beings eats away…
As I was processing all the feelings I have today, I was graced with the presence of this insight to share... The internal turmoil of emotions we experience as human beings eats away…
I'm a big advocate of questioning everything, but when I say that, I think of questioning the big things: Religion, Politics, Ethics, Beliefs... but lately I've been questions something much bigger and more…
I believe I am Free but what I cannot see is the cage around me that surrounds me that I call home, that is my life and I have made a career that…
We have eyes, and we are taught to see.We have ears, and we are taught to listen.We have a mouth, and we are taught to speak.We have a body, and we are taught…
If we create a space, the Universe will fill it. If we want better communication, we must create a better space to communicate. If we want more truth, we must create more space…
It is our own choice to will a moment, a day, a year, and a life of peace. The sun rises everyday. We can turn our backs to the light watching our own…
"We must find the courage to express everything we are and everything we dream to be." It is time for a change. It is time for a quantum leap. Humanity has fought itself…
Life is about love. It's about giving and receiving love. Too often, however, we feel that we don't get enough. We spend our entire lives fighting for attention, affection, and approval... all of…
They say that everything has a price. We hear it all the time. You have to pay the piper, the cost of doing business, you can't have something for nothing. Look at what…
Kermit the Frog sang, "It's not easy being Green." I'm sure all of us have experienced times when "it's not easy being human." We complain about life being difficult, or unfair, and when…