There is often a fear connected to expression, but we mistake that fear as a fear OF expressing. In truth, it is a fear of what will happen AFTER we express ourselves that often blocks the expression of life itself. It is a fear of reaction and rejection, of the thought that what we say will not be received with good intention. If it is not said, it will never have the chance to be received. Is that truly a better choice?
I know expressing love, being vulnerable, and open feels scary. It feels like it could change everything, and the scariest part about it is we don’t know in which direction things will change. Some part of ourselves asks, if I am vulnerable, will I get hurt even more? Will it make things worse? But take a deeper look at where you are now. Is your life so perfect and happy that you would rather not express something, that you would rather give into the fear of the unknown and allow your life to stay the way it is? Is maintaining the status quo so important as to not risk opening more, feeling more, sharing more, and living more? If you do nothing, if you do not express yourself, one thing is certain—you run the risk of living your life exactly the way it’s been. If you don’t release it, if you don’t give your feelings expression, you will suffer. No one else. You will use your energy to suppress them, to lock them away, pretending they don’t exist, and for what greater good? To appease fear? If you take a chance with expression, I promise things will change and no matter how that looks, if things were meant to stay the same, this new feeling would never have existed. How things change depends on how well and fully you express yourself, and here’s the good side of it all. If it doesn’t come out right, at least you tried. At least you did your part, you put yourself out there, opened yourself up and shared a deeper part of yourself—and for that, be proud. Even if it isn’t received well, you can always try again, you can apologize for not being clear, for this type of sharing being something new, and at least you have released it from your being.
Something to contemplate. If life is in perfect balance and harmony the way it is, would there would be a need to feel something new? A need to express something new? If a thought or feeling has been created within you, it’s there for a reason. It has a purpose. It is created to be given life, to be expressed and experienced. Why else would we feel something new if it were created to be ignored. God has purpose in all of creation. Honor yourself and the universe by allowing your feelings to be expressed, not repressed. They will thank you for it, and regardless of other’s reactions to your expression, you have done your part to bring something new to the world, to change the status quo, and allow the chance for change, for growth, and for love to find a new way through this world.