Hope and Fear

  • Post category:poetry

If you give in, what do you get?
Tears and Regret.
Doubt and Sorrow.
Always wondering about Tomorrow.
Never quite sure where you Stand.
Never having secure footing on your own Homeland.
Worries and Fear overrun your Mind.
Hope, Joy, and Love become hard to Find.

If you let go, what do you get?
A world of Beauty and a bright Sunset.
Smiles and Laughter. Always wanting more.
Not being afraid of what Life has in store.
Being Happy and wanting to Play.
Always knowing it is another good day.
Feeling good and knowing God exists.
If there is Hope and Love, Fear no longer Persists.

Wake up with Laughter, instead of with Tears.
Spend your day thinking of Joy, instead of all your Fears.
Smile and be at Peace. Why worry all Day?
There’s no need to feel Alone, when everyone wants you to Stay.
Why stand in the Shadows when you can be in the Sun?
Why beat yourself up, when you can be having Fun?
Who wants a pit in their stomach instead of Butterflies?
Look at the World with Hope, instead of with Fear in your Eyes