Feeling lost
Feeling down
Feeling like I don’t belong.
Why, God, did I choose to be here again?
Feeling small
Feeling dumb
Why, God, am I human again.
I don’t belong in this world
in this crazy, backwards world
Why is money ruling our lives
Why is looking good so much more important
than feeling good?
I cried today.
Why does it matter what everyone else thinks of me?
And Why do I care?
I hate it here.
Don’t want to be here.
Want to go back to where my soul is home.
I’m tired of feeling all alone
in a sea of people
so unlike me.
I don’t belong here on this planet
Don’t belong here in this body
Send me back
Take me back
Why, God, did you send me here again?
Why, God, am I human once again?
I smiled today
Saw a squirrel running free
Saw a puppy playing frisbee
Saw a child just being happy to be
and it all reminded me
That when I stop and see
There is joy all around me
There is love being shared
And people being cared
And laughter in the air
And it reminded me
Why I am human once again.
Thank you God,
for sending me here again.
Thank you God
For making me human, once again.
I’ve remembered why I’m here.
Why I wanted to be human again.
To experience it all
and love it all
Once again.