I did not hear the crashes.
I did not hear the explosions.
I did not hear cries of pain and horror.
I heard something else…
I heard a nation coming together in a time of need.
I heard the heart of America beating even harder
For those no longer beating.
And I heard the Bells of Freedom ringing
Louder than ever before.
Our planes have been taken
Our pride has not.
Our buildings have been shattered
Our hearts have not.
Our towers have fallen
Our Nation will not.
Our Nation will rise.
All nations who stand for Freedom will rise.
We the American people will rise.
These attackers have succeeded…
They have succeeded in bringing us together
And reminded us that we are all brothers, all sisters, all Americans.
Most of all, they have succeeded in opening our eyes,
Opening our hearts and making them beat a little stronger
Than they did yesterday