It’s a fine line of knowing when you’re ready to jump, to take that leap of faith into the next phase of your life. There are times when you leap too soon, and if you do so before you are ready, you may make a real mess out of things. And even then, the learning that comes from that misstep is invaluable, and propels your growth forward.
You can also take your time growing and learning and preparing to take that leap, waiting for the right time, and knowing you are getting closer, and I promise you will always believe you’re “almost” there. And that’s when someone comes along that sees you as you are and knows that you are ready, understands that it is only fear of the unknown and of rejection that are holding you back– things that are not real. And so you are given the gentle nudge that is enough to push you over the line and send you soaring into the sky of greatness that is your next phase of life.
Those who are too eager and egotistical are the ones who learn the first way, and those who are timid and afraid learn the latter. I guarantee you that you will grow regardless, and life will never be the same.