We have eyes, and we are taught to see.
We have ears, and we are taught to listen.
We have a mouth, and we are taught to speak.
We have a body, and we are taught to stand, walk, and run.
We have a brain, and we are taught to think.
We have a heart… but who teaches us to Love?
Can we even define ourselves as human beings,
without defining ourselves as emotional beings;
as Loving beings?
We have classes for everything imaginable,
except for the most important part of our being… feeling.
Who teaches us how to express emotions?
Where is the class on fear, sadness, and anger?
Where is the class on compassion, gratitude, and Love?
Our parents did their best because they too, had no classes.
They only know what they have pieced together from their from their parents,
their own experiences, and their own mistakes and successes.
Where is the class to teach us how to love ourselves?
To teach us how to Love one another?
To teach us how to Love our Earth?
To teach us how to Love all life and all creation?
I believe we have learned to use enough of our brain
to know we cannot evolve any further,
until we know our own hearts.
It may arguably be the most important part of the human body,
physically, emotionally, and energetically,
and we are all still trying to learn how to use our very own hearts.
The learning has to start somewhere.
Let it begin with us.
Let it begin with our generation.
Let us learn how to truly Love.